Eva Longoria After Divorce: 'Desperate Housewives' Actress Says "I Was Not Eating," Became "So Skinny" On Interview With Dr. Oz [VIDEO]

On the Dr. Oz show that airs today, actress Eva Longoria opens up about her health after her divorce to Tony Parker in 2011. 

38-year-old Desperate Housewives alum Eva Longoria explains how her divorce affected her well-being.  Sadly, Longoria had completely stopped eating and taking care of herself.

"I was so skinny. I was not eating. I was depressed. I was sad. My diet was coffee."

Appallingly, at the time that Eva was being malnourished is when she received the most compliments about her looks.

"People kept saying, 'You look amazing. Divorce agrees with you. And I was like, 'I don't feel good. I have no energy."

This demonstrates how unhealthy Hollywood is.  If they think someone looks great when they are malnourished and killing themselves, it's no wonder every model and actress in Tinsletown is starving themselves.

A sluggish Eva went to the doctor get some blood tests done. "I was just depleted of every vitamin," Longoria recalled. "He said it's as if somebody took a straw and sucked everything out of your body. 'You don't have any iron and your liver's overacting.' It was like all these things were physically wrong with my body, so I had to saturate with vitamins and kind of get back on this track."

The news was a wakeup call to the brunette.  She decided it was time to get healthy.

"I cut out all sugar. Anything that turns into sugar is sugar. I love a soda, I'm not a chocolate candy person, but, I like pasta in anything," Longoria said. "For about three months, I did a really strict no sugar diet, and I had more energy than I've ever had. My palate was different.  Things tasted better."

You can watch the entire Dr. Show with Eva this afternoon on FOX and 4pm this afternoon.  It should be interesting to hear what Dr. Oz has to say on her extreme weight loss and the positive feedback she got in from her peers.  

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Eva Longoria
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