Two Men Cut Hands Off In An Insurance Scam, Attempt To Claim Millions

Two men cut hands off in an insurance scam in which they attempted to make millions of dollars.

In two separate incidents, two separate unnamed Spanish men allegedly cut their own hands off. They failed to receive any compensation because their wounds, made when the two men cut their hands off in an insurance scam, were considered too clean. 

Authorities said the first claimant removed his hand with an electric saw but told insurers it had been ripped off in a car accident, reported by Daily Mail. He then made claims to 11 insurance companies demanding £2million in compensation, in one of the cases in which two men cut their hands off in an insurance scam.

The next step was for his wounds to be examined. When that happened, the cuts were considered "too clean" to have been torn in two.

"The cut was too clean between the bones for a car crash, which is never so clean," José Luís Nieto, president of Gesterec, which investigates accidents said. "This man might have got someone to use a saw to cut off his hand. A surgeon would never have done it."

In the second case, the man chopped off his arm above the elbow and claimed €600,000 from insurers. He told insurers he cut it off by accident with a saw. According to Daily Mail, he was told to go back to work after he failed to receive disability.

The Investigation Co-operative of Insurance Companies (ICEA) said that there had been a 50 per cent increase in the past five years of cases like these when people allegedly lie in order to receive insurance money.

"There is no doubt that there has been a rise in false cases because people do not have any money in the crisis," Nieto said.

The revelation comes days after it emerged that more than six million Spaniards are now out of work, raising the jobless rate to 27.2 per cent - the highest since records began in the 1970s.

These incident's aren't isolated to Europe, either. Two men allegedly chopped off a third man's hand with a pole saw so the three of them could file for an insurance claim in the U.S. in February.

The men from South Carolina received a payout of over $671,000 from a homeowner's insurance policy and three accidental death and dismemberment polices, but when one of them was caught, he was went on trial in a charges that could lead him to 20 years in prison.

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