Eva Longoria "I Was Not Eating" After Devastating Divorce [VIDEO]

Eva Longoria: "I was not eating", she said on Friday's epoisode of The Dr. Oz Show. On the show, Eva Longoria confessed that after her divorce from her ex-husband Tony Parker, who allegedly cheated on Longoria, she was so distressed that she lost her appetite, and consequently also lost weight.

"I was not eating," Longoria said. "I was depressed. I was sad. My diet was coffee." Unfortunately, beauty standards meant that she got compliments for her dangerous behaviors. She said that the difficult trial was, "the time I got the most compliments, because I was so skinny."

"People kept saying, 'You look amazing. Divorce agrees you with you," Longoria recalled. "And I was like, 'I don't feel good. I have no energy.'"

Eva Longoria, 38, actress from "Desperate Housewives" and "Ready for Love", saw a doctor because she was worried about her health. When she had blood work done, the results indicated that she Longoria "was just depleted of every vitamin" including iron, which was causing her liver to overreact. "All these things were physically wrong with my body, so I had to saturate with vitamins and kind of get back onto... track," she said.

While reeling from her devastating divorce, Longoria also didn't realize that she was clinically depressed. "I didn't know I was depressed," she explained. "I mean, I knew it was a sad moment in life, but I wouldn't categorize myself as depressed."

Longoria is back at a healthy weight and feeling better than ever-but it was a hard battle to recover from her extreme weight loss and the resulting malnutrition. "For about three months, I did a really strict no-sugar diet, and I had more energy than I've ever had. My palate was different. Things tasted better," she said. We're not sure exactly how she gained weight by not eating sugar...but Longoria had doctors to help her with that, fortunately.

There's been recent media buzz that Longoria and Ernesto Arguello, who currently live together, are dating. Longoria denied the rumors on Twitter. "Sorry @ernestoarguello is NOT dating me, but u can see who he is dating on #ReadyForLove tomorrow night on NBC after #TheVoice!", she Tweeted.

Watch VIDEO of the segment below:

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