Hockey Player Dies After Venomous Snake Bite

Karl Berry a 26-year-old field hockey player in Australia died after snakebite on the hand by the venomous king brown snake.

Berry was cleaning up at the Marrara Hockey Center, according to the Associated Press when the snake bit him. Not thinking the snakebite was lethal Berry went for a run in Australia's northern territory where he collapsed.

According to the Associated Press the player was conscience when the paramedics found him but did not mention the snakebite for 15-minutes. The field hockey player died as a result of the snakebite on Wednesday. AP says Berry was the captain of his field hockey team.

The AP also reports that by going for a run the snake's venom was pumped through his system faster. gives a description of the king brown snake or the Mulga snake, as it is also known. According to the website the king brown snake "is the heaviest venomous snake in Australia and has the largest-recorded venom output of any in the world - delivering 150mg in one bite."

The website also says that the king brown's temper varies with location. The king browns found in the south are less aggressive than their northern counter parts. Unfortunately for the field hockey player that died as a result of a snakebite, he came in contact with a snake from the north. says, "Southern Mulgas are reported to be shy and quiet, whereas northern specimens are much more agitated if disturbed - when they throw their heads from side to side and hiss loudly. Mulgas bite savagely, even hanging on and chewing as they inject massive amounts of highly toxic venom, which destroys blood cells and affects the muscles and nerves."

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