Texas Inmate Shouts “Wow” During Execution And Thanks Warden

Richard Cobb, a Texas inmate was put to death for capital murder Thursday night. During his execution the 29-year-old shouted, "wow" before the drug used for lethal injections took hold, according to the Daily News.

In 2002 Cobb and an accomplice held up a convince store and held three hostages, a man and two women. Cobb used a shotgun to kill the man from Texas and one of the two women was raped.

The Texas man and his partner were sentenced to death by lethal injection. Cobb's partner was executed a year ago.

The Daily News gave an account of the Texas execution of murderer Richard Cobb. When he entered the death chamber Cobb addressed the people there to witness his death, which included the two women he shot and the family of the man he killed.

"Life is death, death is life. I hope that someday this absurdity that humanity has come to will come to an end," Cobb said. "Life is too short. I hope anyone that has negative energy towards me will resolve that. Life is too short to harbor feelings of hatred and anger. That's it, warden."

Cobb was then strapped to the table and just as the drug used for an execution was about to be pushed into his system he lifted his head off of the pillow looked at the warden and shouted,

"Wow! That is great! That is awesome! Thank you warden. Thank you [expletive] warden."

After his outburst the condemned inmate laid his head back on the table. According to the Daily News, "his head fell back on the pillow, and his neck twisted at an odd angle, with his mouth and eyes open."

15-minutes later a doctor pronounced Cobb dead.

Deathpenatlty.org gives details about what drugs are used in lethal injection and what the person put to an execution goes through. This is purely information based and does not reflect personal opinions about the use of the death penalty in the United States.

There are those on either side of the fence that believe if you take a life you forfeit your own. Than there are those that believe the death penalty is legalized murder and will not stop the next person from committing some heinous act.

According to deathpenalty.org, "At the warden's signal, the execution chamber is exposed to witnesses in an adjoining room, and in states that use the three-drug protocol the inmate is injected with sodium thiopental or pentobarbital, anesthetics intended to put the inmate to sleep. Presumably after a member of the intravenous team determines the inmate is sufficiently unconscious, he is then injected with pancuronium bromide, which paralyzes the entire muscle system and stops the inmate's breathing. In most cases, the inmate's consciousness is again checked, and finally potassium chloride stops his heart. In ideal circumstances, death results from anesthetic overdose and respiratory and cardiac arrest while the condemned person is unconscious."

"The process of lethal injection using just one drug follows nearly the same procedure, except the inmate dies from the one large dose of anesthetic, either sodium thiopental or pentobarbital."

The website also says that the lethal injection executions often do not go according to plan. Inmates will often suffer excruciating pain and not be able to express it. Another execution issue comes from the use of untrained personnel administering the drug.

The law prohibits doctors from administering the drug used for executions.

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