Conan O’Brien Makes Them Laugh At White House Correspondents’ Dinner, Not As Hard As President Obama, “I Remember When Buzz Feed Was Something I Did In College Around 2am”

Before Conan O'Brien took to the podium to poke fun at members of the press and Congress President Obama beat him to it. The president poked fun at himself, including his age and the fact that his wife is more popular than he is.

When talking about his second term Obama said he recognized he is not as young as he was in 2008,

"Look I get it. These days I look in the mirror and I'm not the strapping young Muslim socialist that I used to be."

Upon hearing that the audience erupted in laughter.

Obama talked about how the media is changing. A big topic of the evening was whether or not print newspapers were on their last leg. Obama mentioned it is hard to keep up with all the changes in the media saying,

"I remember when buzz feed was something I did in college around 2am."

The president went on to talk about his respect for the press and said he understands that they both have jobs to do.

"My job is to be president," Obama said. "Your job is to keep me humble. Frankly I think I'm doing my job better."

The president also spoke about those who don't like him saying, "You've got to really dislike me to spend that kind of money." Obama was talking about Sheldon Adelson, a businessman who spent $100 million of his own money on negative ad campaigns.

"That's Oprah money," Obama joked. "You could buy an island and call it No-bama for that kind of money. Sheldon would have been better off offering me $100 million to drop out of the race. I probably wouldn't have taken it, but I thought about it," Obama said to a hysterical audience.

"Michelle would have taken it," Obama said pointing to the First Lady. President Obama wasn't the only funny man at the White House Correspondents Dinner. Conan O'Brien had the audience laughing, although not as hard as President Obama.

Late Night host Conan O'Brien was the comedic speaker at the 2013 White House Correspondents' Dinner.  No subject was off limits for O'Brien he covered everything from the last election to North Korea.

The jokes started off slow but got funnier as the night went on. O'Brien began the night by saying,

"President Obama you had some great jokes it was a pleasure to stand up here and watch you do what I do. So now it's only fair that I get to do what you do. That's right ladies and gentlemen for the next 15-minutes I'll be mired in a tense dysfunctional stand off with congress. This is gunna be fun"

Conan moved on and congratulated the President on his reelection. He threw in a few digs about the promise Obama made to create jobs by saying,

"The president is hard at work creating jobs. Since he was first elected the number of popes has doubled and the number of Tonight Show hosts has tripled, congratulations."

Conan O'Brien moved on to talk about the leader of the NRA Wayne LaPierre. Congress recently failed to pass a law in favor of stricter gun control.

"Here's a fun fact about tonight's food. Everything you ate this evening was personally shot by Wayne LaPierre. "Don't worry it was from a home invasion, the fish came in through the window. That wasn't pepper corn it was buck shot."

O'Brien went on to say that Wayne LaPierre was not the head of the NRA but the executive vice president. "Which begs the question how freaken crazy do you have to be to be the actual president of the NRA," O'Brien.

O'Brien kept going attacking various media outlets like CNN, Huffington Post and others. O'Brien ended his speech on a serious note thanking the president for going to Boston, the city where O'Brien was raised and "helping its people begin to heal with your inspiring words."

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