Miss A Suzy's Beauty, Photoshop Becomes Useless

Even for a diehard male fan, there comes a time when the deception of Photohop evades one's skilled eyes as they fail to notice the slimmer, more voluminous figure of one's shrine's celebrity. Unfortunately, Photoshop is prevalent not only on Facebook, where average people transform their looks through their minor's degree in computer animations with a concentration in image enhancement, but also with celebrities.

Of course, being a world of images and perceptions, it is understandable. Still, that does not lessen the heartache or the feeling of betrayal as one comes across shocking images of 'before and after photos' of their Photoshopped celebrities.

Thankfully, Miss A's Suzy is not one of them and probably renders Photoshop useless.

Recently, a series of photos from Suzy's catalogue shoot were posted online. Aside from the typical stunning beauty, many internet users are raving about her gorgeous looks in the real-time photos taken without any visual enhancement.

Some of the comments included, "Which side is Photoshopped?" "Suzy doesn't need fancy cameras and photographers. A camera phone will do."

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