3 Abalone Divers Killed In Separate Accidents Over The Weekend; Rip Currents To Blame

Over the weekend in Northern California, 3 abalone divers were killed in separate accidents as a result of rip tide currents.

According to the Press Democrat, one of the tree men killed was a 66-year-old retired firefighter. His body was recovered on Saturday.

On Sunday two other abalone divers killed as a result of rip tides. Cbslocal.com reports, "On Sunday morning, several divers helped pull a 36-year-old San Francisco man to shore after he got caught in a rip tide off nearby Salt Point State Park. He couldn't be revived."

Later on that day, another abalone diver was found drowned 15-feet below the water. Authorities believe this man was caught on some rocks and pulled under.

According to CBS, low tides "brought swarms of abalone divers to beaches."

Abalone is a type of mussel that is a popular food among the Japanese and residents of the Unites States' west coast.

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