Tom Sizemore’s Tell-All Memoir "By Some Miracle I Made It Out Of There":Drugs Addiction And Details Of Affairs With Elizabeth Hurley And Juliette Lewis[VIDEOS!]

Actor Tom Sizemore's Hollywood life filled with drugs, sex tapes, and tumultuous romances can now be found in book stores in his new memoir "By Some Miracle I Made It Out Of There," which includes details of affairs with Elizabth Hurley and Juliette Lewis.

"By Some Miracle I Made It Out Of There" the title of his book, is taken from a line uttered by his "Saving Private Ryan" character, Sgt. Mike Horvath.

The cover of Sizemore's book shows his worn out face, with eyes of a man who's been to hell and back. The picture is an exact depiction of what the pages are about to say.

The memoir a painfully honest look at a man, who, by his own admission, had become a "spoiled movie star" and an "arrogant fool" who at his lowest point was "a hope-to-die addict."

"I was a guy who'd come from very little and risen to the top," writes Sizemore, who was born and raised in hardscrabble Detroit. "I'd had the multimillion-dollar house, the Porsche, and the restaurant I partially owned with Robert De Niro."

"And now I had absolutely nothing."

It was during Sizemore's tabloid romance with former Hollywood madam Heidi Fleiss that his life truly fell apart. He was convicted in 2003 of harassing, annoying and physically abusing Fleiss.

The couple emotionally reunited on Dr. Drew's VH1 show "Celebrity Rehab." The one time public enemies warmly embraced each other on the show and it seemed that the bitterness had melted.  Sizemore stuck it out in Drew's rehab but unfortunately the emotions that were thwarted, upon seeing her ex, led Heidi into a downward spiral, leading her to exit the show.

In the book the 51 year-old drug addict also reminisces about his Hollywood friendships with Sean Penn, Robert Downey Jr. and De Niro.  He also talks about explosive relationships with high profile actresses such as Edie Falco, Elizabeth Hurley and Juliette Lewis.

On meeting Juliette Lewis on 1994's "Natural Born Killers" Sizemore writes:

"By the time Juliette showed up on the set, I already had a huge crush on her. She was standing watching me and when the scene was done she said something like, 'Hey Tom, that was really good. I've often wanted to be strangled to death.'"

"I said, 'Whenever you want to be strangled to death, you know who to call.' Later that night we used drugs and had sex. We were at the Best Western getting high and for some reason ordered 29 bowls of cornflakes.

And Tom has an entire chapter dedicated to his affair with Elizabeth Hurley while she was still married to British Actor Hugh Grant. Can't wait to read the juicy details Tom!

"I've led an interesting life, but I can't tell you what I'd give to be the guy you didn't know anything about," Sizemore writes.

He still doesn't seem quite sober here, right? Too skittish.

Sizemore talks about his meth addiction and about De Niro's tough love:

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