Jersey Shore Star/Actor Hospital: Ronnie Ortiz Magro Rushed In A Kidney Stone Emergency, Sammi At Bedside[VIDEO]

"Jersey Shore" star and actor Ronnie Ortiz Magro in currently in the hospital for kidney stones.

The 27-year-old "Jersey Shore" reality star was in Orlando at the Wine and Spirits Wholesalers of America convention promoting his new alcohol line, Smush Cocktails when "he started feeling uncomfortable" and was rushed to the emergency room.

 "It's a very painful condition," his rep added, "but he's being treated."

His rep said "Ronnie was admitted to an Orlando area hospital late Saturday night ... He's in a lot of pain and is expected to remain there for several days."

Ronnie took to Twitter to explain to fans about what had happened: "Hospital ... Wouldn't wish this feeling on anyone. #KidneysFML."

When a twitter follower suggested he take some protein, Ortiz-Magro tweeted back, "I have to because I can't hold any food down from the pain."

His Jersey Shore pals have found out about his hospitalization and are informed of his current location in Orlando. It looks like a few "Shore" friends will be coming to the hospital to fist pump by his side.  

And of course Jersey Shore co-star and current girlfriend Sammi (Sweetheart) Giancola, dutifully remains by his bedside and has been supporting him through the difficult time.

The on-again, off-again tumultuous relationship of him and Sammi was showed over 5 seasons on "The Jersey Shore." Their constant fighting may have ended since the show wrapped, not what their relationship isn't documented 24/7 as it was during "Shore" days.

We wish the couple good luck and maybe a future wedding but let's first have Ronnie pass those kidney stones!

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