500 Cell Doors Simultaneously Unlocked Unexpectedly In Maryland Jail; No Inmates Try To Escape During Malfunction [VIDEO]

500 cell doors unlocked at the same time unexpectedly in a Maryland jail, but amazingly no inmates tried to escape.

At approximately 12:20 a.m. on Saturday, every single cell door was simultaneously opened after a computer glitch at The Montgomery County Jail. 

Officials immediately declared a security emergency during the incident, bringing in additional police cars around the perimeter.

The locks were reset within an hour and everything was back to normal by Sunday morning. Visitors and maintenance crews were once again allowed to visit the facility. But the security troubles are far from over.

A similar malfunction occurred last Tuesday. Officials are puzzled as to why this is happening to the electronic system and insist they will get to the bottom of this mystery.  Needless to say, an unlocked cell door dangling in front of dangerous criminal with a lack of freedom is no small burden and can lead to complete anarchy.

"It's definitely a problem. We must find the source of it. Any security door opening in an unexpected manner constitutes a major security problem," Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation director Arthur Wallenstein explained to The Washington Post.

Officials explained that only the locks on the cell doors were disengaged as a result of the glitch. Hallway and housing unit doors were unaffected by the problem, making it impossible for the inmate to leave the jail.  However, it still puts prison employees in great danger.  An unexpected lucky break for 500 criminals could lead to absolute barbaric chaos, resulting in deaths and injuries of prisoners and workers alike. 

Check out the video report on the Montgomery County Jail's scary malfunction. 

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