Taylor Swift Pays $17 Million In Cash For Swanky Rhode Island Home; Gets Teased By President At WHCD

Taylor Swift recently bought a $17 million home in Rhode Island and reports are saying the "Love Story" singer paid for it in cash.

According to the Daily News, the huge mansion has 5 bedrooms, 700-feet of waterfront property and is 11,000 square feet. The Daily News also says that Taylor Swift was able to bring the seller down from their original price of $20 million.

Buying up real estate seems to be a new hobby for Taylor Swift. She recently flipped a house she bought in Cape Cod and walked away with a reported profit of $1 million.

The Cape Cod home Swift flipped was reportedly purchased because it was close to her former boyfriend Conor Kennedy.

"I apparently buy houses near every boy I like - that's a thing that I apparently do," the "Story of Us" singer said in a Vanity Fair interview. "If I like you, I will apparently buy up the real estate market just to freak you out so you leave me."

Country superstar and America's sweetheart Taylor Swift has been getting teased about her love life lately. Fans and media personalities have been poking fun at the 23-year-old for only writing love songs.

The singer's albums tend to be about her great loves and the subsequent breakups that follow.

Even President Obama has joined in on the Taylor Swift teasing. A Saturday night's White House Correspondents Dinner, the president was poking fun at everyone from the press, to republicans to Taylor Swift.

"We need to make progress on some important issues. Take the sequester. Republicans fell in love with this thing, and now they can't stop talking about how much they hate it. It's like we're trapped in a Taylor Swift album," Obama said.

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