Bride Gives Kiss Of Life At Own Reception, Saves Guest Suffering From Heart Attack

Bride Kylie Cox, a 24-year-old British nurse, gave the kiss of life during her wedding reception, saving her guest and friend.

While celebrating her wedding to new husband Russell Cox at her Cornwall reception, the bride was dancing the night away with friends and family. While sharing a dance with a 28-year-old friend, Kylie told the Daily Mail her friend said he began to feel faint on the dance floor.

The nurse and bride had gone to get her guest a chair so he could catch his breath when the man collapsed.

"Our friend asked me for a dance, but while we were on the dance floor, he fell faint. I turned round to give him a chair and he collapsed," the Daily Mail reports Cox as saying.

The bride, her uncle and a bridesmaid, who is also a nurse, gave the guest "emergency first aid," according to the Mail. When the paramedics arrived, the guest was rushed to the hospital and is expected to recover.

After the ambulance took the guest away, the bride's father told the remaining partygoers they were calling it a night.

The bride told the Daily Mail, "Me and Russell spent the first night of our marriage at the hospital, because we didn't know whether our friend was going to live or die. The doctors told us it was a miracle he survived."

The couple is planning to hold another reception and hopes all of the guests, including the heart attack victim, will be able to attend.

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