NFL Star Chad Johnson aka 'Ocho Cinco' Takes Homeless Man "Pork Chop" Shopping And Clubbing; Documents On Twitter

Chad Johnson, former NFL star, aka "Ocho Cinco" spent his weekend hanging out with a homeless man named 'Pork Chop,' and took to twitter to document their activities together.

The player, whose known for promoting himself in the most extreme ways, met a homeless man named Robert, a.k.a Pork Chop, and the two spent Saturday and Sunday together taking "Pork Chop" shopping and for a night on the town.

Johnson documented the whole adventurous weekend on twitter and took tons of pictures.  The twitter post went viral and it's easy to see why.

Johnson's first tweet was on Saturday:

"Homeless dude asked for a beer, I bought him a case of 24 n a pack of Newports, we balling together f*** it..."

According to twitter, generous Johnson also gave "Pork Chop" a G-shock watch so he could tell time and took him on a shopping spree at Urban Outfitters so the bum could look swag as the duo went clubbing later that night.

The unlikely pair drove around listening to music together in Chad's car.

Before the evening began Johnson tweeted:

"That episode The Kardashians took the homeless guy and cleaned him up?  Can I do the same and this guy out tonight or that's a bad idea."

Ocho Cinco spent the rest of the evening drinking with "Pork Chop" while simultanouslty documenting every move on social media outlets.

The next tweet was:  

"hanging out with "Pork Chop."

They finished up the evening at a night club called "Dream" where they danced and picked up chicks together.  "Pork Chop" made one hell of a wingman.

On Sunday night Johnson tweeted:

"Night with PorkChop is winding down... Fun times for 48 hours straight..."   Then, he even tweeted that he was considering job hunting with "Pork Chop" since they are both currently unemployed.

Chad Johnson promised the man in need that he will help his future, utilizing his resources.

After the story about Johnson's weekend with "Pork Chop" went viral Johnson tweeted:

 "This fool PorkChop is famous now."

Check out their weekend:

Ocho Cinco on why he's not working:

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