Lethal Dose of Rubbing Alcohol Found In Orange Juice in Attempted San Jose Starbucks Poisoning

A woman was arrested after allegedly sneaking tainted bottles of orange juice into a refrigerator at a Starbucks coffee shop in San Jose, California. The bottles contained a lethal dose of rubbing alcohol.

Ramineh Behbehanian, 50, was arrested after a customer saw her remove two bottles of orange juice from her purse and place them in a refrigerated display case.

When the customer alerted store staff of her behavior, Behbehanian fled. The employees were able to follow her to the parking lot and get her license plate number.

"If it weren't for the actions of that customer I believe we'd be talking about a homicide right now," police Sgt. Jason Dwyer said.

Employees examined the bottles and noticed a "toxic smell," so they called 911. Behbehanian is being held in prison for suspicion of attempted murder and poisoning.

The incident occurred around 4pm, when students from Santa Teresa High School reportedly rush to the coffee shop.

"We're grateful to the customer who did the right thing," Starbucks spokesman Zack Hutson said. Hutson also thanked Starbucks employees "for doing all the right things," including getting the suspect's license plate number.

After the incident, the Starbucks store pulled all the remaining juices from the refrigerator and destroyed them. Hutson said other nearby Starbucks were notified and told to check all their juice bottles to make sure none of the seals were broken.

Investigators are still unclear of the suspect's motive. Behbehanian has no criminal history.

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