Ex-Navy Seal Runs for Senate: Gabriel Gomez Wants To Fill Kerry's Seat

Ex-Navy SEAL runs for Senate: Gabriel Gomez, a former Navy SEAL, will run against Rep. Edward Markey for the U.S. Senate seat vacated by Secretary of State John Kerry. Gomez and Markey won their respective primaries on Tuesday. There are now only eight weeks until the special June 25 election.

Gomez, besides being an ex-Navy Seal, is a political rookie; his Democrat opponent, Markey, is a 36-year Capitol Hill old-timer. Gomez doesn't think that's an issue, though-in his speech, he said, "If you're looking for an experienced, slick talking politician, I'm definitely not your guy." He added that when Markey first came to Congress in 1976,  "Gerald Ford was president.  The Internet did not yet exist. 8 track players were big.  Boston's first album had just come out.  The first Rocky movie debuted in theaters. The median price of new homes was $44,000.  Our national debt, which today is over $16 trillion, was not even $1 trillion. Al Gore had not yet invented the Internet. It was a lifetime ago," he said.

Gomez is billing himself as "a completely new kind of Republican" who entered the race because he saw ""a lot of unproductive noise and bickering" in Washington.

Markey, a Democrat, criticized Gomez and the Republican Party as preparing to "move mountains of money to buy this election for big oil, and the NRA [National Rifle Association], and those who want to turn back the clock on women's rights."

Gabriel Gomez attended Naval Academy and flight school. He served four years on aircraft carriers, then began his training to be a Navy SEAL. He passed Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL training, which has a 75 percent dropout rate, and went on to become his class leader.

Gomez later attended Harvard Business School, became a private equity investor, and earned over $8.5 million between 2007 and 2011.

Gabriel Gomez ran in the Boston Marathon this year and, thus, was a witness to the Boston bombing. Gomez and his family left the finish line just a few minutes before the two bombs exploded.

Gomez says he supports gay marriage and immigration reform - his parents moved from the US from Colombia; Gomez is fluent in Spanish and didn't speak Engish until he went to school. Gomez opposes abortion because he is a Catholic, although he said he would not seek to overturn current laws.  He has been praised for working toward greater airline and cargo security post- 9/11, supporting climate change legislation, and developing telecommunications growth. 

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