Worker Dies In Blender At Oregon Meat Plant; OSHA To Investigate[VIDEO]

Last week, a worker died in a blender at a meat-processing plant near Clackamas, Oregon, and OSHA says it is currently investigating the circumstances under which the 41-year-old man was killed.

Oregon OSHA spokeswoman Melanie Mesaros says that the October citation may be unrelated to the worker's death in the blender machine, noting that often, such investigations take time.

"It's way too early to say ... We're just starting our investigation, which could take six months."

Of the worker's death and subsequent investigation, the meat processing facility's president Darrin Hoy said:

"We're not looking forward to reliving through any of it again."

The tragic incident occurred around midnight on Friday at Interstate Meat Distributors, when 41-year-old Hugo Avalos-Chanon fell into a running blender during a routine job. He was pronounced dead shortly after midnight Saturday.

"Another worker realized something was wrong and activated an emergency switch which stopped the equipment," Deputy Marcus Mendoza of the Clackamas County Sheriff's Office told "Unfortunately the worker was already deceased."

Last October, the plant received a fine after state investigators found machines were not locked during the tear-down process for cleaning. The inspector said an "unexpected start-up of the machine" could cause injury or death.

Deputy Nate Thompson identified the victim as a contractor with DCS Sanitation Management, a cleaning company that has a contract with Interstate Meat Distributors.

Dr. Cliff Young, a deputy state medical examiner, said Avalos-Chanon died from "blunt-force injuries and chopping wounds."

Law enforcement and investigators believe the death is a "tragic industrial accident" and suspects no foul play. An investigation has been launched by Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

Darrin Hoy, president of Interstate Meat Distributors, said company officials are in full cooperation with investigators, however the death of Avalos-Chanon was "extremely unfortunate."


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