Giant Rubber Duck Floats Into Hong Kong On Worldwide Journey [VIDEO]

A giant yellow rubber duck floated into Hong Kong's harbor on Thursday. It virtually stopped the show in the busy harbor. Thousands of excited people thronged the edge of the harbor to see the giant rubber duck. In offices with views overlooking the water, work stopped and employees gathered at windows.

The city's been waiting excitedly for about two weeks for the 54-foot inflatable giant rubber duck to arrive. The media has been closely tracking its movements. The duck is the product of a Danish artist, Florentijn Hofman, and is travelling to different cities around the world. Hofman said that Hong Kong's enthusiasm has been "overwhelming" and that he's glad the giant rubber duck made him able to come to the city, as he's "wanted to come for years-and my duck made it here before me! Hong Kong has been changed forever."

Hofman said the duck isn't just for children - he says he sees it "as an adult thing. It makes you feel young again. It refers to your childhood when there was no stress or economic pressure... If it makes you smile, then that's OK, but maybe it makes you cry because of the urban environment. I make work not to give answers but to question things."

The giant rubber duck is actually made of PVC and was pulled by tugboat into the harbor, rather than placed there by a gigantic child's hand. Hong Kong is celebrating its arrival with land-based statues as well. Later in the day, the duck had to be deflated due to strong winds and huge waves, but it will be back swimming soon.

The giant rubber duck has been in cities including Sao Paolo, Osaka, Amsterdam, and Sydney. A brass band welcomed it to Hong Kong. It will be making bathtime fun in Hong Kong's Victoria Harbour until June 9. Next stop is the US, but the location is top secret.

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