New Reese Witherspoon Police Video Of Her Ride To Police Station After Arrest Reveals Her Lie To The Officer, Saying "I'm Pregnant" To Avoid Jail [Video]

Reese Witherspoon's infamous arrest in April, after being stopped by police, now has police dash camera video to show the famous actress riding to the police station, RadarOnline reports.

The famous Oscar winner was stopped on April 19 in Atlanta, and arrested after famously accosting the police arresting her husband. She then had an interesting ride to the police station.

Her Arrest:

On her way to the precint in Atlanta, where she was later booked for disorderly conduct, the Sweet Home Alabama star stuck up a conversation with the obviously star-struck officer. She continued to lie and say "I'm pregnant," which the actress has since denounced as a fabrication.

The officer, Corporal M. Land, told the Walk the Line Academy Award winner, “You’re pregnant, I’ll take better care of you."

"That's right," Witherspoon haughtily replied.

The actress had calmed down from earlier in the night, but found the time to complain about the arresting officer. She recounted her version of the events by repeating what she told the earlier officer who arrested her, saying she had told him, “Excuse me sir, would it be possible to use the restroom soon?”

The mother-of-three insisted "That's the only reason I got out of the car."

She continues:

“I told the gentleman that I needed to use the restroom when he arrested me. I wouldn’t want to be rude or have an accident in your car. He didn’t seem to understand that I needed to use the restroom.”

Coporal Land switched the subject and asked the actress if her hair color was naturally red, to which Witherspoon replied, "No sir."

The officer, still believing her fabricated pregnancy story, then asks her how far along she was.

Reese replied, “I am very early sir, it is very new. I am sure you have a wife and children and it just comes on you like a ton of bricks and you just have to go to the rest room.”

After getting back to the station, Corporal Land removed Witherspoon's handcuffs she was avoided the further embarrassment of urinating on herself.

Her ride to the police station:

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