Trump Slams Stewart Calling Him "Hater And Loser" After Stewart Sarcastically Revealed Trump's Birth Name As 'F—kface Von Clownstick'

Donald Trump slammed Jon Stewart for his satiric take on Trump's "birth name" on The Daily Show, when Stewart facetiously revealed it to be "F--kface Von Clownstick." Trump did not enjoy the gag, obviously, and took to his Twitter feed, to slam Stewart and those mimicking his joke:

"Amazing how the haters & losers keep tweeting the name 'F**kface Von Clownstick' like they are so original & like no one else is doing it..."

To which Stewart replied, ""Yeah, that's all over Twitter...I hope." Well, he would be correct.

It appears that Stewart's dismissal of Trump wasn't as innocuous as it might have first appeared. The Celebrity Apprentice star tweeted out some unkind words about Stewart on April 24, writing, "I promise you that I'm much smarter than Jonathan Leibowitz - I mean Jon Stewart @TheDailyShow. Who, by the way, is totally overrated."

Stewart's actual birth name is Leibowitz, and the tweet engendered more than a few replies wondering what the real estate tycoon meant with the tweet. Some even accused Trump of being anti-Semitic. 

So, of course, Stewart went on Comedy Central's Daily Show this past Wednesday and decided to out Trump's "birth name" as well, and Trump did not take kindly to the smirking Comedy Central host. It appears Trump can dish it out, but he can't handle it coming back.

That's not all because Trump continued to tweet just before the weekend and said that Stewart's joke wasn't even original, tweeting, "What's funny about the name 'F**kface Von Clownstick' -- it was not coined by Jon Leibowitz-- he stole it from some moron on twitter."

That wasn't his last Twitter diatribe, he finished off the flourish of messages to his followers with three final tweets:

"If Jon Stewart is so above it all & legit, why did he change his name from Jonathan Leibowitz? He should be proud of his heritage!"

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"Jon Stewart @TheDailyShow is a total phony -he should cherish his past-not run from it," before adding "As I've said many times before, Jon Stewart @TheDailyShow is highly overrated."

The Daily Show's Twitter responded to the first tweet with the tongue-in-cheek, "Can't an overrated Jew have a complicated relationship with his dad without being accused of hiding his heritage? " 

Jon Stewart is a professional comedian with millions of viewers and just as many fans; Donald Trump is a wealthy real estate businessman and C-list reality television star, so he should probably leave the comedy to the professionals. 

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