President Obama Backs Gay Union Rights In Immigration Bill: Emphasizes LGBT-Inclusive Reform May Not Be Immediate

President Obama backs gay union rights in a broad immigration bill, which is currently pending in Congress, according to the Associated Press. The President won’t say, however, if he would sign legislation that fails to support the measure.

Obama says that recognizing same-sex relationships in the bill “is the right thing to do,” but adds that it would be premature to telegraph what he will or won’t do prior to lawmakers sending a bill to his desk.

Gay rights supporters are pushing for an amendment to the bill to allow gays to sponsor their partners to come to the U.S. and be in a path for citizenship.

Republicans, however, including a few who helped draft the bill, have made it clear that amending the legislation in that regard would cause them their support for comprehensive immigration reform.

The stance on the matter came in a comment while President Obama was at a news conference Friday evening in San Jose, Costa Rica, with President Laura Chinchilla.

The President clarified, however, during the conference that the primary issue the bill needs to address is border security, and that the same-sex partner provisions, sponsored by Sen. Pat Leahy, may not be included in the final bill. Obama said, “I’m not going to get everything I want in this bill and Republicans are not going to get everything they want."

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