Helen Mirren Swears At Street Drummers In Costume After They Disrupt Her Stage Performance [VIDEO]

Dame Helen Mirren swore at a pair of shocked street performers outside her stage production of The Audience. The 67-year-old Academy Award winning actress rushed out in full costume as Queen Elizabeth The Second to curse out the street performers whose drumming had interrupted her Saturday show of the award-winning production, the Daily Telegraph reports today.

Mirren left the Gielgud Theatre during intermission to swear at the street drummers who were promoting the 'As One in the Park' festival for gay and transgender people coming later this month.

The Emmy-winning actress came out in full costume, including the Queen's tiara, to use some special curse words to silence the drummers who she felt were interrupting the performance.

Mirren told the Telegraph, "I'm afraid there were a few 'thespian' words used. They got a very stern royal ticking off, but I have to say they were very sweet and they stopped immediately."

The award winning actress continued, "I was so upset from struggling through [a] scene...that I literally walked straight off stage, straight up the stairs and straight out the stage door and banged my way through the crowd who were watching and said 'stop, you've got to stop right now' - only I might have used stronger language than that. I felt rotten, but on the other hand they were destroying our performance so something had to be done."

Her performance in the play, The Auction, recently won her an Olivier Award, which is like the American Tony Award.

Co-star, Rufus Wright, who plays British Prime Minister David Cameron in the performance joined Mirren outside to address the loud drummers.

Mark McKenzie who helped organize the drummers, told the paper, "Not much shocks you on the gay scene. But seeing Helen Mirren dressed as the Queen cussing and swearing and making you stop your parade - that's a new one."

A statement later from the festival promoters said of the incident, "Clearly angered, she shrieked 'Quiet! I'm trying to do a play in here! People have paid a lot of money for tickets'."

Mirren later told the paper she would like to invite the "fellow performers" to see the play.

Co-star Wright, later tweeted out "You should have seen Helen. Honestly. It was breathtaking."

Mirren as the Queen in The Audience:

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