105-Year-Old Woman Loves Bacon, Says "I Eat It Everyday"

105-year-old Pearl Cantrell says the secret to her long life is bacon.

"I love bacon, I eat it everyday. I don't feel as old as I am, that's all I can say," Cantrell said.

Cantrell's love for bacon and her age have made her celebrity across the Internet. When the Oscar Meyer company found out about her obsession, they sent her the Wienermobile, a famous automobile shaped like a hot dug in a bun used to promote Oscar Mayer products. The company also sent her bacon and is planning to send her more in the future.

"Pearl Cantrell's love of bacon is so strong that the Oscar Meyer Wienermobile made a stop through town last week to wish her a happy birthday, all because she told a local news station her amazing secret," The Raw Story reported.

Surprisingly, there is research to support her claim about the health benefits of bacon. But in March, a study conducted by the University of Zurich found that eating little to no red meat can be a factor of early death.

The Atlantic reports that little or no red meat can lead to early death because red meat contains important vitamins and nutrients. The researchers also found that if people limited their daily meat consumption to less than 20 grams, 3 percent of premature deaths could be prevented each year.

However, the study also found that too much red meat "was associated with significantly increased mortality only before they controlled for lifestyle factors."

Researchers discovered scientific evidence that red meat makes you happy, though they could not explain the reason behind this finding.

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