Charles Barkley Reveals "I Played With Gay Players" After Asked About Coming Out Player Jason Collins; Barkley Supports And Accepts Gays Teammates In NBA [VIDEO]

Former NBA star Charles Barkley appeared on the Dan Patrick Radio Show Tuesday morning and acknowledged playing basketball with gay players, in light of NBA player Jason Collins recently coming out.

The subject came up because Jason Collins, of NBA's Washington Mavericks, became the first openly homosexual athlete in major American team sports when he wrote an account in Sports Illustrated describing his experiences as a gay player in the NBA.

When asked about Collins, Barkely told the radio show "of course" he played with gay teammates during his days in the NBA. Charles played in the league from 1984 to 2000, and he says that it was not a big deal to have gay teammates. He said it's discussed privately, and is insulting to gay players for others to worry if anyone is trying to pick them up on the court or locker-room, which is a common "concern" and "misconception" when the topic arises.

Barkey said, "Everybody did. Everybody played with a gay teammate, Dan. And it' s no big deal. First of all, I think it's an insult to gay people to think that they're trying to pick up on their teammates. But everybody has played with a gay teammate... It's obviously discussed, privately, because the problem is, Dan, unless somebody tells you they're gay, you can't say a thing about them being gay. Ya know, until somebody has the courage, and I think it takes great courage to come out, it's kind of an unspoken word to be honest with you."

Barkley went on to explain the likelihood that every player in the NBA at once played with a gay player and probably didn't realize it.  He says he shot hoops with at least three gay players but it isn't anybody's concern but their own:

"I had several teammates, I probably had three guys I played with in my 16 years. But like I say, think about Jason Collins, he played on six teams, so six teams played with a gay guy. And so, everybody has played with a gay guy, you just didn't know he was a gay guy. Cause until a gay guy comes out, it's none of your business."

Barkley says as a black man it's all about acceptance and tolerance.  We appreciate Charles's openmindedness and opening the doorway for a new era of sexual equality in sports.

The outpouring of support for Collins has been staggering.  Tough, macho men such as 6 foot basketball players are expected to shun the gay NBA player because of his sexuality, but the majority of athletes seem to have a perspective more similar to that of Barkley.

 It does seem to be only a matter of time before more athletes come out publicly, and Charles Barkley's gay players comments make it clear that there has been some openness in the locker room over the years already. 

We're given Just another reason to love teddy bear Charles Barkley even more. Go Charles! Watch him stand behind his beliefs in this clip:

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