Leonard Nimoy, Zachary Quinto Spock-Off: ‘Star Trek’ Stars Go Head-To-Head In Audi Ad, Nimoy Shouts ‘Go Bilbo!’ [VIDEO]

Leonard Nimoy, best known for playing science officer Spock in Star Trek at the series' start in 1966, usually keeps out of the media. But, Nimoy appeared in a video short for Audi with current Spock actor Zachary Quinto from Star Trek Into Darkness.

With this Audi YouTube short, Nimoy joins the ranks of other Star Trek co-stars William Shatner and George Takei, who have both developed extensive 'Internet' fame from their comedic antics.

Nimoy promotes Audi in the commercial by 'not promoting' it. Quinto and Audi highlight the 'tech-forward' features of Audi by comparing it to other luxury vehicles.

In the clip, Nimoy beats Quinto in chess, and then Quinto challenges Nimoy to a round of golf and a race to the country club.

Quinto says, "Whoever gets to the club last buys lunch."

"Stand by to have your wallet emptied by a tractor beam," Nimoy responds.

Nimoy putters along in his 'old' car, strapping his golf clubs into the seat next to him because the trunk isn't large enough. Hilariously, while driving along in his not-Audi, Nimoy sings "The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins" to himself. Nimoy released the cheesy Lord of the Rings tribute song on his second album in the late 1960's. Check out the video of Nimoy singing the song below.

Quinto is waiting at the country club by the time Nimoy arrives. But don't worry - even though Quinto definitely has the better car, Nimoy comes out on top in the end.

The car pictured at the end of the commercial, at whose appearance (and ability to drive off without a driver) Quinto and Nimoy exclaim, "Fascinating," was the Autonomous TT.

Forbes staff writer Hanna Elliot claimed that Audi is the "first automaker allowed to operate self-driving vehicles on public roads" in Nevada.

An Audi representative commented, "The Autonomous TT vehicle seen at the end of the video is a concept car and is not currently available for purchase." Yet.

Nimoy teased Quinto about the ad on his Twitter account Tuesday. Both actors will revisit their previous roles in Star Trek Into Darkness. The new sci-fi film directed by J.J. Abrams also stars Chris Pine as James T. Kirk and Benedict Cumberbatch as the highly anticipated villain.

The Audi commercial was released just before the next Star Trek film, Star Trek Into Darkness, premieres on May 17.

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