Rob Kardashian Pleads Not Guilty To Battery And Theft Charges

Rob Kardashian pleaded not guilty to charges of battery and petty theft. Rob Kardashian, charged Friday with misdemeanor battery and petty theft, pleaded not guilty to the charges today.

The charges Kardashian pleaded not guilty to in court came from a fight with a photographer in March. The judge appeared fairly lenient. Prosecuters asked that bail be set at $21,000, but instead, L.A. Now reported, Judge Marsha Revel decided to let Kardashian go on his own recognizance.

Lindsay Lohan, interestingly enough, has also appeared before the same judge.

Kardashian was accused of beating up a paparazzo who snapped pictures of him outside a gym and grabbing her camera, taking the memory card.  He's already been sued in civil court by the photographer, Kassandra Perez, a.k.a Andra Viak. Viak said she was hit in the face and suffered injuries to her arm and chest and she said her memory card was worth approximately $30,000, according to April 30 court documents. The documents also stated that the memory card contained 1,200 pictures of celebs and about 300 freelance photoss.

Kardashian, who's been working hard to lose weight and get in shape, was shirtless in the parking garage of a gym in West Hollywood and started by the photographer's actions.

Kardashian entered his not-guilty plea in the assault and theft case with a notable lawyer. He is currently represented by an attourney from the O.J. Simpson murder case, Robert Shapiro. Kardashian's late father also worked on the Simpson case at one point.

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