Glenn Beck Nazi Alert: Beck Again Makes Nazi Comparison, Depicts NYC Mayor Bloomberg As Nazi At NRA Convention

Glenn Beck's Nazi obsession just re-surfaced, when the conservative pundit likened New York City Mayor, Michael Bloomberg to a Nazi as the keynote speaker at the NRA convention in Houston. The Glenn Beck Nazi debate started when Beck showed a picture of Bloomberg on the video screen with a graphic of Bloomberg performing the famous Nazi salute while also wearing a Nazi armband.

Before showing the picture, Beck introduced the image by saying, "I've come up with a new advertisement for New York, we all know 'I heart New York.' I'd like to show you my new advertisement for it, new slogan... 'You will love New York!'"

Jewish leaders are upset with the comparison to the genocidal German Nazi’s, and they want Glenn Beck’s Nazi comparison to be atoned for.
The national director of the Anti-Defamation League and a Holocaust survivor himself, Abraham Foxman, objected to the image and Beck's comments telling ABC News:

"While he doesn't say it, it seems Glenn Beck is implying through an image of Mayor Bloomberg in an apparent Hitlerian salute is that the mayor's policies on gun ownership and other issues are turning New York city into a Nazi-like state. That suggestion is outrageous, insensitive and deeply offensive on so many levels.”

Foxman went on to add “Glenn Beck should know better. He has drawn similar inappropriate analogies to the Holocaust before. We wish he would stop trivializing the history of the Holocaust to score partisan political points.”

Mayor Bloomberg is Jewish and hadn’t replied to the slanderous photo and comparison yet.

But the Glenn Beck Nazi kerfuffle isn’t the first one for the conservative columnist and radio host. In 2011, a coalition of rabbis took out a full page ad calling on Beck to stop with the holocaust and Nazi rhetoric.

Glenn Beck had said, at the time, Billionaire Democrat donor, George Soros, had helped Nazi’s while a boy in Hungry. Soros is also a holocaust survivor.

Glenn Beck’s Nazi opportunism was parodied on Comedy Central’s Daily Show by Lewis Black in May of 2010.

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