Jodi Arias Found Guilty, Tells TV Station She’d Rather “Get Death Than Life”

It is being reported that Jodi Arias told a local news station that she would “rather get than death life,” shortly after she was found guilty of first-degree murder by an Arizona jury. Arias was put on suicide watch by the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office after saying that the death penalty is preferable to life in prison. The young woman, who was convicted for the 2008 murder of her boyfriend Travis Alexander begins the sentencing phase of her trial today.

“Death is the ultimate freedom,” Arias told KSAZ, “so I'd rather just have my freedom as soon as I can get it." The 32-year-old woman told the station that longevity runs in her family and that she didn’t want to spend the rest of her life in one place. Some outlets are reporting that this is another media manipulation by the convicted killer. Ryan Owens of ABC’s “Good Morning America” observed that it was “bizarre that she spoke so quickly after the verdict. Jodi Arias could only wait a few minutes after being convicted to find a television camera and start talking.”

The verdict closed nearly five years of arguments over whether Arias was culpable for the death of Travis Alexander. Arias met the 27-year-old Mormon Church elder and businessman at a networking event in 2006. They dated for a year, but continued to have a sexual relationship for a year after they broke up. Details of their sex life came out at the trial during testimony.

In a statement, the Maricopa County prosecutor's office said, "Today's verdict closes the guilt phase of State v. Jodi Ann Arias. However, the pursuit of justice on behalf of Travis Alexander continues. We look forward to the next phase of the proceedings, where the state will present evidence to prove the murder was committed in an especially heinous, cruel, or depraved manner."

Arias told the interviewer that she hoped that the verdict would bring the Alexander family some peace, "I don't think they'll be able to find the peace they would like, but maybe they'll be able to have greater peace now or some semblance of it."

The jury will return to the courtroom today as the two sides begin arguing the aggravating factor phase of the trial. To get the death penalty, the Prosecutor, Juan Martinez, will have to convince the jury that the murder was cruel, heinous, or depraved. If the jury finds that there was no aggravating factor, Arias will not be eligible for the death penalty and the judge will sentence her in 30 to 60 days. If the jury does find that there were aggravating factors, the case will move into the penalty phase. The aggravator phase is expected to take one day.

After both sides give opening statements, Alexander's family members will have the opportunity to speak directly to the jury about the impact the crime has had on their lives. Neither the prosecutor nor the defense will be allowed to question the victim's survivors.

Both sides will then present witnesses to argue the existence of mitigating factors before Arias is allowed to make a statement to the jury. The jurors will ultimately decide whether Arias will be executed or not.

The crowd outside the courtroom cheered at the news that she was convicted of the 2008 attack. The family of Travis Alexander, who sat through every day of the four month trial, hugged and cried as the verdict was read. Arias’ mother cried as she sat behind her daughter. Arias herself winced and teared up. Arias will be the third woman on Arizona’s death row if she is sentenced to death.

by Tony Sokol

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Jodi Arias
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