83-Year-Old Nun Convicted Of Breaking Into Nuclear Plant

Catholic nun Sister Megan Rice, 83, was found guilty Wednesday of damaging government property and injuring national defense after breaking into the Y-12 National Security Complex in Tennessee last July. Hourly painter Michael R. Walli, 64, and laborer Greg Boertje-Obed, 57, were also convicted. The three protestors are peace activists who broke into the storehouse for bomb-grade uranium.

The group snuck inside the most secure part of the complex, cut through security fences, hung banners, strung crime-scene tape and hammered off a small chunk of the building. During the federal trial, the three testified and said they had no remorse for their actions.

During the cross examination, Rice said she wished she hadn't waited so long to stage a protest inside the plant.

"My regret was I waited 70 years," the nun said. "It is manufacturing that which can only cause death."

The group sprayed baby bottles full of human blood on the exterior of the facility. Boertje-Obed explained the act: "The reason for the baby bottles was to represent that the blood of children is spilled by these weapons," he said.

Defense attorneys said the federal prosecutors had overreach in their charges. He claimed the break-in caused an embarrassment.

"The shortcomings in security at one of the most dangerous places on the planet have embarrassed a lot of people," defense lawyer Francis Lloyd said.

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