Woman Slaps Deputy To Help Her Quit Smoking

Etta Lopez, 31, said she sat in front of the county jail for hours, waiting to assault a deputy so that she could be put in jail to force her to stop smoking cigarettes.

Deputy Matt Campoy told KOVR in Sacramento, California that he stepped outside the county jail when he saw Lopez. She stood in his way and then slapped him across the face. "It was totally unprovoked," the Deputy said. 

Officers immediately arrested Lopez. It was only later that they found out it was part of her plan to quit the habit.

"She told us that she needed to quit smoking," Campoy told KOVR. "She explained it with great detail as to why."

Officers said Lopez told them she wanted to be put in jail to help her quit. She got her wish.

According to ABC2News, the woman is being held in prison on charges of assault. Anti-smoking experts say there are much better, legal ways to quit smoking.

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