78,000 To Live On Mars, As Dutch Firm 'Mars One' Receives 78,000 Applications To Live On 'Red Planet'

78,00 to live on Mars according to Mars One, a Dutch non-profit group spearheading an initiave to set up a human colony on Mars. Tens of Thousands applied to join the colony on the outer edges of space, and since applications have opened on April 22, they've received 78,000 to live on Mars.

The non-profit Mars One space project is based in the Netherlands. They aim to land four astronauts on Mars by 2023, and they've already signed their first deal with a supplier for the audacious goal of colonizing Mars. But it's the 78,000 to live on Mars that has the project founders excited.

After Mars One signed a contract with Paragon Space Development Corporation to develop and study life-support material and spacesuits on the Red Planet back in March, they opened up an application process on April 22. Since the process was made available to the public, 78,000 want to live on Mars, announced the company on Monday.

Mars One CEO and founder, Bas Lansdorp, said in a statement, "With 78,000 applications in two weeks, this is turning out to be the most desired job in history...These numbers put us right on track for our goal of half a million applicants." 

After landing the four astronauts on the planet in 2023, they'll proceed with two astronauts every two years thereafter. Since the application process opened to become one of the lucky few who get to travel to Mars, 78,000 are to live on Mars since this Monday, which falls right in line with Mars One's projections. 

Once the application process closes on August 31, the Mars One firm plans to have received half a million applications overall and may even exceed that figure. 

Among the 78,000 to live on Mars so far, candidates will be selected based on a number of different criteria: they must be intelligent, and have good mental and physical health. Once on Mars, they'll expected to perform construction work like building greenhouses while living in -50 celsius temperatures of Mars.

The selection process will likely become a reality-TV based endeavor with a global pool of candidates, since the firm has already accepted 78,000 to live on Mars so far and the application process doesn't end for another few months. 

The winners are expected to train for eight years before they're launched to the Red Planet, to set up the first human colony on another planet.

Bas Lansdorp, the Mars One founder, said "This is turning out to be the most desired job in history." With 78,000 to live on Mars and many more expected in the coming months, that statement may not be hyperbole. 

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