Jodi Arias Bomb Threat Tweet Was Reportedly Arrested: The 18-Year-Old Phoenix Man, Laquint Cherry

Jodi Arias bomb threat came about in a tweet following the verdict in her murder trial Thursday, which led to an arrest of an 18-year-old man on Friday in Phoenix.

Arizona authorities have arrested Laquint Cherry, an 18-year-old Phoenix man in connection with the Jodi Arias bomb threat that was tweeted after Arias was guilty, according to the Huffington Post. The alleged threat was a bomb threat to the courtroom where Arias was declared guilty of the murder of her former boyfriend Travis Alexander.

The tweet has been pulled down, but consisted of "Booom" if she was announced as guilty and it reportedly included references to devices that would be used. 

Maricopa County Sheriff's Deputy Joaquin Enriquez told the Post that Laquint Cherry was taken into custody early Thursday and facing a felony charge for making the Jodi Arias bomb threats to the courtroom in Phoenix.

Jodi Arias was on trial and had a lot of media attention over the past few months. She said at times during the trial that she couldn't remember what happened during the death of her former boyfriend and where the body was dumped following his death.

"Death is the ultimate freedom," Arias told KSAZ. "I'd rather just have my freedom as soon as I can get it." The 32-year-old woman told the station that longevity runs in her family and that she didn't want to spend the rest of her life in one place. Some outlets are reporting that this is another media manipulation by the convicted killer. Ryan Owens of ABC's "Good Morning America" observed that it was "bizarre that she spoke so quickly after the verdict. Jodi Arias could only wait a few minutes after being convicted to find a television camera and start talking."

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