New Nokia Lumia To Hit Market On May 16th With the Lumia 928 Windows Phone

There's a new Lumia about to hit the marketplace and it's just like the old Lumia, only redder and crisper. Nokia and Verizon said Friday that the long-expected Lumia 928 Windows Phone will be available on May 16, according to

Techhive says the latest addition to the Lumia lineup will be priced at $150 upfront with a $50 mail-in rebate and a new, two-year service contract. Nokia will bundle a $25 credit toward Windows Phone apps for a limited time, but doesn't say when the deal will end. Verizon is not taking advance orders for the device.

The specs for the new Lumia are essentially the same as the 920 with a few important differences, Techhive says.

The 928 has the same Snapdragon S4 processor, the same amount of RAM, and onboard storage (32GB). But the 928 has a slightly better screen than the 920, with a 4.5-inch AMOLED display at 1280-by-768 resolution and 334 pixels per inch, while the 920 has an IPS display running the same resolution at 332ppi.

The 928 is also a little taller at 5.2 inches, versus the 920's 5.13-inch stature. And of course, the 928 has a different cellular radio to make it compatible with Verizon's legacy CDMA network. You can check out the 928's complete specs on Nokia's site.

Techhive says that while Nokia has seen some success with the Lumia lineup in other regions of the world, the Finnish phone maker has struggled to gain a foothold in the U.S. During the company's most recent quarterly earnings, Nokia revealed it had shipped 5.6 million Lumia devices globally. Just 400,000 of those smartphones, however, shipped to North America.

At a time when Apple continues to report millions of global iPhone sales every quarter, Nokia's results are cause for concern. But not only Nokia is not the only phone manufacturer struggling in the U.S. Every Windows Phone maker is having a tough time cracking into a market dominated by Android and iOS devices. During the month of March, Windows Phone accounted for just 3 percent of American smartphone users, according to the latest numbers from metrics firm ComScore.

With dismal sales and market share numbers for Windows Phone, can Verizon help bolster Microsoft's and Nokia's fortunes? Maybe, says Carolina Milanesi, research vice president for consumer devices with analyst firm Gartner.

"No vendor can think about being successful in the U.S. without Verizon," Milanesi toldTechHive. "Being on Verizon will certainly make a difference to Nokia. How much of a difference will depend on the level of commitment Verizon shows when it comes to advertising and in-store placement."

Now that the Lumia 928 is set to launch on Verizon, Nokia's prospects could improve. Even if Verizon gives the 928 a big push, however, the unit's $150 upfront price tag may make the device a harder sell.

Then there's the competition. Samsung's Android-based Galaxy S4 sells for the same price as the 928 at Sprint and T-Mobile, and the iPhone 5 at AT&T, Sprint, and Verizon costs only $50 more than its Windows Phone rival. With Windows Phone's struggles in the U.S., perhaps AT&T had it right with its giveaway.

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