70-Year-Old Boston Native Knocks Out Home Intruder; Michael Salame Beats Up 24-Year-Old Entering His Home

Age ain't nothing but a number. Just ask Michael Salame. The 70-year-old beat up a 24-year-old home intruder who attempted to break into his home. The significantly younger victim, Timothy Adams, later acknowledged being blackout drunk and not remembering the incident.

At 3:00 a.m., last Saturday, Salame was with his girlfriend when Adams shattered a window and climbed inside. However, Adams was visibly impaired and walked right through a door across from the window - putting him right back outside again. When he ended up going back into the house, Salame took charge and manhandled the drunken intruder.

"He came in and that's when I grabbed him by the throat and slammed him down on the floor and told him to stay on the floor and not to put his hands in his pockets. I didn't know if he had a knife or a gun on him," said Salame. "He managed to get up again and he tried to get up the staircase and I decked him three times with a right and he went down again," he said. "I give him three good rights - I caught him right in the face. He went down and he never got up again."

Due to previous medical conditions, Salame wears bracelets with metal straps on his arms at night, which he said worked to his advantage in beating up Adams. The pulverized intruder reportedly offered Salame $100,000 to leave him alone.

"He was so doped up," said Salame. "If he was sober or something it could have gone the other way but because he was so messed up, I grabbed him before he even knew what hit him. I thank God no one got hurt, besides him."

Adams is charged with breaking and entering and destruction of property.

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