Vin Diesel: Facebook Owes Me Billions - How Did The "Fast And Furious" Star Become The No. 1 Page On Facebook

Vin Diesel: Facebook owes me billions - Once the most popular man on Facebook, Vin Diesel goes into detail on his rise to such popularity on the social media site.

The "Fast and Furious" star did an interview with Entertainment Weekly and revealed why Vin Diesel: Facebook owes me billions came about.

Vin Diesel: Facebook owes me billions: "What Facebook didn't realize is something very big was about to happen, and that was - for the first time in history, and it's kind of a fluke they didn't see this coming - when I jumped on that page in April 2009, I started talking to people. In the realest ways," Diesel told Entertainment Weekly.

He continued about the evolution of his Facebook page.

"So, when I had started my page, the only person that had a million fans was Barack Obama. Because it was first-quarter 2009, and he'd just got elected as President, because of social media," Diesel explains. "So, when I started talking to the fans, I became the No. 1 page in the world. Over Coca-Cola, over huge companies. And it was only because I said: 'Hi, guys, I love you.'"

Vin Diesel then goes into if Facebook existed decades ago.

 "Imagine if you could've been a Facebook friend to  Marlon Brando , or whoever your role models are. Imagine, if you were able to Facebook  Elvis , and talk to him, and hear from him without the Hollywood of it all. That was the 'Fast & Furious'  experience."

"I think Hollywood, and the choices Hollywood has made, would've been radically different if Clark Gable had 40 million people on his Facebook page," Diesel added.

Diesel said the Facebook team asked him "to come up to their office to explain what the f--- I was doing, and why I had so many fans."

"Facebook really owes me billions of dollars," he jokes. "But whatever." 

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