Silvio Berlusconi Prosecutors Demand 6 Years Of Prison On "Bunga Bunga" Trial

Silvio Berlusconi should serve six years in prison for sex crimes, prosecutors say. Prosecutors in the Silvio Berlusconi "bunga bunga" trial are demanding six years in prison for the former Italian prime minister. They're also asking for a lifetime ban from holding public office.  and key backer of the fragile new government, serve six years in prison and face a lifetime ban from holding public office

In the "bunga bunga" or "Rubygate" trial, as it is variously called, Berlusconi is accused of paying for sex with an underage prostitute and then abusing his power to cover it up. Ilda Boccassini, the leading prosecutor, argued for Berlusconi's conviction on charges involving Karima el-Mahroug, a.k.a. Ruby Heartstealer, who is a former nightclub dancer from Morocco.

Boccassini argued in court that that there was "no doubt" that Berlusconi, who was then then prime minister, had paid for sex with then- 17-year-old Mahroug. When she was arrested in May 2010, Berlusconi also had her released, claiming she was a relative of Egypt's then-President Mubarak, who has since been deposed for crimes of his own.

Berlusconi denies both charges and is doing well in the polls. He is generally tolerated for his womanizing and hedonism, and asserts that the trial is another example of his "persecution". He turned a political rally in Brescia, Italy on Saturday into a protest against the judiciary and Italy's magistrates. Prominent politicians, including the new interior minister Angelino Alfano, were in attendance.

On Sunday, Berlusconi appeared on one of his television channels, claiming he'd never been anything but a friend to Mahroug and gave her money to help her build a life for herself. Mahroug, who is currently 21, says she lied to Berlusconi abut her age, never slept with him, and also lied about a "fanasy" connection to Mubarak. She says that prostitution was "against her principles".

The procecutor, Boccassini, said that Mahrong was manipulative and had bought into a superficial "Italian dream" of glamour and show business. Boccassini said, with raised eyebrows, that Mahrong was "an intelligent person ... with that oriental cunning of her origins".

If Berlusconi is found guilty of the verdict, which should come in the coming months, he will be eligible to launch up to two appeals, a long, complicated process that may take years.

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