39-Year-Old Australian Man Dead For 40 Minutes Brought Back To Life With New Resuscitation Techniques

A man dead for 40 minutes was brought back to life in Australia. Australia’s Herald Sun reports that Colin Fielder, 39, was one of three cardiac arrest patients who was clinically dead for between 40 and 60 minutes at the Alfred Hospital that was brought back to life using two new techniques in the emergency department.

Fielder said, “I’m so grateful, more than I could ever say.” He had a heart attack last June, was clinically dead for 40 minutes, then was revived with the new techniques.

Doctors at Melbourne’s The Alfred Hospital used a mechanical CPR machine called the AutoPulse in order to perform continuous chest compressions on individuals like Fielder. They also used a heart-lung machine to transmit blood and oxygen through Fielder’s body. The heart-lung machine is portable – normally used in theatre – and allows oxygen and blood to keep flowing to the patient’s brain and vital organs.

Of the seven patients were the techniques have been applied, three were brought back to life without injury. All have been clinically dead for between 40 to 60 minutes. The Alfred hospital’s Stephen Bernard said he hoped to expand the treatment across the city after the two years of trial were they have seen amazing results.

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