iPhone 6 To Have Fingerprint Sensor In Home Button; Rumors Of September Release Date For iPhone 5S [VIDEO]

The latest rumor about the iPhone 6 or iPhone 5S is that Apple's newest iPhone will have a sapphire crystal capacitive touch home button.

Cult of Mac reported that the iPhone 5S or iPhone 6 would also have a home button that would feature a fingerprint sensor, increasing the security of the popular phone.

The iPhone's sapphire crystal home button would be extremely durable, so scratches wouldn't interfere with the sensor's function.

But, the fingerprint sensor wouldn't be Apple's first innovation using the sapphire crystal. Cult of Mac reminded readers that the iPhone 5 has a sapphire crystal camera lens to prevent noticeable damage to photos.

The rumor that the iPhone 6 would feature a sapphire crystal capacitive home button originated from TechNews, a Taiwanese website. 

The iPhone 5S is expected to release in August or September, alongside a new budget iPhone with a plastic casing. Yesterday, KPopstarz reported that a product designer had created a YouTube video imagining what a plastic-encased iPhone 6 would look like - and it looked good. Check out the video below.

The latest news on iPhone production is that Apple signed a contract with Sharp electronics in Japan, who would begin manufacturing LCD panels for the new iPhone in June. A number of sources has verified this rumor, pointing to an iPhone 6 or 5S release date sometime in September or August.

The low-budget iPhone is rumored to come in a variety of colors with some lower-spec parts.

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