Experts Hired to Analyze Trayvon Martin Shouts From 911 Call In Zimmerman Murder Case

For the upcoming trial of George Zimmerman, attorneys prosecuting Zimmerman have hired audio experts to compare samples of Zimmerman's and Trayvon Martin's voices with the shouts from the 911 calls phoned in by neighbors after hearing the struggle between the two men.

If the findings are accurate, this could help the jury immensely when deciding whether or not Zimmerman's plea of self-defense was justified or not.

However, audio experts are not in agreement of whom the screams are coming from: one New Jersey-based audio expert said in a report that the screams came from Martin, while another Florida-based audio expert said the shouts were a mix of Martin and Zimmerman, according to the Associated Press.

Martins parent's also believe the screams are from their son, whereas Zimmerman's father testified in court that he believes the cries are from his son.

These findings could ultimately confuse the jury rather than aiding them in making an accurate decision.

"Counsel has significant and legitimate concerns that such evidence will confuse the issues for this jury to decide, and it may well mislead the jury in this area of inquiry," O'Mara, Zimmerman's defense attorney said in the filing.

Zimmerman is being charged with second-degree murder for the shooting and death of Trayvon Martin. Zimmerman is pleading that he shot Martin only in self-defense.

The shooting occurred last year on February 26, 2012, in Sanford, Florida. Martin was 17 and unarmed at the time. Zimmerman noticed Martin walking at night leading Zimmerman to call the Sanford Police Department to report Martin's behavior as suspicious.

However, the police report stated, "there is no indication that Trayvon Martin was involved in any criminal activity at the time of the encounter."

After calling the Sanford Police Department, Zimmerman approached Martin, which quickly escalated to a violent fight and ended with Zimmerman fatally shooting Martin.

Martin's death and questions about Florida's "Stand Your Ground" law quickly received national attention.

Zimmerman shall be pleading not guilty at trial next month.

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