CNN Anchor Zoraida Sambolin Announces She Will Undergo a Double Mastectomy; Sambolin Was Inspired By Angelina Jolie's Story

Zoraida Sambolin, 47, co-anchor of CNN's "Early Start," announced yesterday to her viewers that she, like actress Angelina Jolie, will be undergoing a double mastectomy.

After Angelina Jolie came out with a New York Times editorial about her double mastectomy this Tuesday, CNN anchor Sambolin claims that Jolie empowered her to speak out about her procedure as well.

Sambolin was diagnosed with breast cancer on April 9, 2013. Her breast cancer is a very early form called Ductal carcinoma in situ, DCIS. DCIS is a common type of non-invasive breast cancer. DCIS is not life threatening but can increase one's risk of developing an invasive breast cancer later.

"I have been struggling because I was diagnosed with breast cancer about three weeks ago and I was trying to figure out how do I share this story, how do I tell the viewers that I'm going to be gone for a while, because I have chosen to have a double mastectomy," Sambolin told her co-host John Berman. "Angelina Jolie's story really hit home."

At the mere age of 37, Jolie broke the news in an op-ed piece for the New York Times yesterday titled, "My Medical Choice." In the article, Jolie goes on to explain that between February and April she underwent three months of surgical treatments to remove both of her breasts.

After being tested, Jolie stated she had an 87% chance of getting the disease herself, and while keeping this matter private, she writes now in hopes to help and inspire other women in the same position.

Both Sambolin and Jolie talked about how wanting to be there for their children played a key role in their final decisions.

"At the end of the day, I need to have peace of mind," said Sambolin. "I need to sleep at night. I have two kids that are my world, like any woman, and it's what you think about. So I thought for me, this would be the best decision moving forward so I could feel confident that it's not something that I'm going to have to deal with that much more in the future."

Sambolin is scheduled to have the surgery May 28th.

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Angelina Jolie
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