Grammy-Winning Singer Attacked In Houston, Suffered Severe Injuries On Face

A Grammy-winning singer was attacked in Houston Monday night at a bar and suffered severe injuries in the face, the Associated Press reports. A singer for the hugely popular Tejano group, La Mafia, Oscar De La Rosa and company were standing outside a gay bar when both were attacked by an unidentified man who has so far eluded police.

Witnesses who have seen the singer attack say that De La Rosa didn’t have a chance to defend himself in the attack, and as a result he suffered several lacerations to the face, damage to his eye, and lost two teeth because of the incident. The band released a statement about his condition on their Facebook page, it said:

“Oscar De La Rosa was assaulted around 1:30 AM this morning leaving a local bar in Houston. He is still in trauma care at Memorial Herman Hospital (sic). He has suffered severe face lacerations and possible damage to his right eye. A police report has been filed and the identity of the assailant has been confirmed, assault charges will be filed as soon he is located.”

According to reports, the attack was unprovoked. Band member Armando Lichtenberger, however, said that there was an altercation inside the club, which led to the man being kicked out of the premise.

Lichtenberger described the attack: “He sucker-punched the driver, knocked him half unconscious and then he went at Oscar and started pounding on his face. A sucker punch is the worst thing. He didn’t get to defend himself at all. It happened so fast.”

The band hasn’t yet decided to cancel or postpone any performances.

De La Rosa is the founding member of the band, La Mafia, which they started Houston in the early 1980s. They have been in existence for more than three decades and have produced 37 albums. It is one of the largest and most critically-acclaimed name in Latin Music. According to the band’s website, Oscar De La Rosa is the lead vocalist with his fellow band mate and co-founder Lichtenberger in the keyboards and accordion.

It has won four times in the Grammy’s and has recently been named by Billboard as one of the top 25 Latin Artists of the past 25 years. The band had toured the USA, Mexico and South America as well as Germany, Kosovo, Sarajevo and the Netherlands.

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