Miss USA Crush on Prince Harry Might Be a Tall Order; Nana Meriwether Gushes `We’re Meant to Be’

Miss USA’s crush may be a towering wish, but Prince Harry girlfriend Cressida Bonas might block it. Miss USA Nana Meriwether admitted that she has more than a little crush on Prince William's little brother, Harry.

Miss USA crushed it at Prince Harry’s fundraising reception New York City’s Four Seasons Restaurant when she learned that the young British royal was a towering 6-foot-2 inches tall. “Perfect!” she giggled “We are meant to be!” The 6-foot tall beauty pageant winner explained “Miss USA is like royalty in America so it'll be a pleasure to meet him."

Meriwether told the British Telegraph, "He is doing a wonderful job of representing your country here. I am really hoping to meet him. He is single, right?"

When the 27-year-old two-time All-American volleyball playing beauty found out that the 28-year-old polo playing prince was officially single, she served up the line "It would make a great story -- we should totally get married." She’s already accustomed to wearing a wearing a crown.

Sadly, the gorgeous graduate student of USC never got to meet the young guest of honor. He was waylaid by a loving crowd of 200 who attended the reception that was attended by Will.i.am and Sean Lennon.

Back in February, Prince Harry was spotted skiing in Switzerland with a 24-year-old dance student, Cressida Bonas. The two have been reportedly dating since they came down from the lift.
The American Friends of The Royal Foundation raised about half a million dollar that will help "mentor and train our next generation of truly inspirational young sports coaches." Harry thanked the organization during a speck on behalf of himself, Prince William and his bride Kate Middleton.

Harry played baseball with underprivileged children in Harlem earlier in the day. He called the game and the kids “truly uplifting.”

Prince Harry's American visit will come to an end today when Harry mounts up for a polo match in Greenwich, Conn.

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