Bowler Shoots Himself Accidentally At Busy Florida Bowling Alley

A bowler shot himself while at a bowling alley in Florida. The man had a gun accidentally fire in his pocket while bowling at a busy bowling alley in Florida. Police say that they think the bowler went to swing the ball but accidentally bashed it on his leg or hip, which set off the concealed revolver in his pocket to shoot.

Other bowlers at the bowling alley heard the shot. Someone said they thought a firecracker had been set off.

Witnesses at Jupiter Lanes, in Jupiter, FL claimed that at first thought someone had let off a firecracker.

But then they saw the man clutching his leg and limping back to his seat - so they realized the bowler had shot himself.

Witness Mike Martin described the chaotic scene in Jupiter after the accidental shooting to press.

"The ball hit him in the leg, which triggered the revolver," Mike Martin told reporters. 

The man, who currently remains unnamed, was rushed to St. Mary's Medical Center, a nearby hospital, for treatment. Officials say that his officials are not life-threatening.

Police told press that he had a permit to carry a concealed weapon and  that he is therefore unlikely to face charges.

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