Wade Robson Accuses Michael Jackson Of Sexual Molestation After 20 Years Of DenialLawsuit Filed To Michael's Estate[VIDEOS]

Choreographer Wade Robson, Michael Jackson's defense team's star witness back in 2005, is now saying Michael did in fact sexually molest him.

Since Robson was seven years old the now 30-year-old has been denying any sexual molestation from Michael Jackson. Wade even took the stand in court fighting for Michaels innocence during Jackson's molestation trial. 

Robson's perpetual denial makes the new allegations that much more shocking. For 20 years Robson had been an advocate for Michael and has now completely turned on the deceased artist causing public outrage.  People are calling him a traitor, and specuate that the dance expert, who has worked with the likes of Britney Spears and Demi Lovato, is doing this just for money.

Defending himself, Robson claimed: "The idea that I would make all of this up and put myself, my wife, my entire family though this is extremely incomprehensible."

"I feel strong, I feel like this is the right thing to do because this is my truth," he added.

Asked why he'd waiting until now to come forward he said: "Because I've lived in silence and denial for 22 years, I can't spend another moment in that. In order to truly heal. I'm never going to go away with this. I'm never going to be silenced."

Shooting down previous claims he made the allegations due to memory loss, Robson said: "This is not a case of repressed memory. I have never forgotten one moment of what Michael did to me, but I was psychologically and emotionally completely unable and unwilling to understand that it was sexual abuse."

When Lauer asked what he meant by "sexual abuse", Robson said: "He performed sexual acts on me and forced me to perform sexual acts on him."

Explaining further, he claimed the Thriller star used "manipulation and brainwashing," to coerce him into performing sexual acts.

He added: "He would role play and train me for these (trial) scenarios."

And even today, he admits he has mixed feelings about his alleged abuser and late mentor: "There is no excuse for what he did to me, but he was a troubled man...The image that one presents to the world is not the whole explanation of who someone is. Michael Jackson was yes, an incredibly talented artist with an incredible gift. He was many things. And he was also a pedophile and a child sexual abuser."

When the suit was filed, a lawyer for Jackson says the claims are completely unfounded.

"Mr. Robson's claim is outrageous and pathetic," Howard Weitzman said.

"This is a young man who has testified at least twice under oath over the past 20 years and said in numerous interviews that Michael Jackson never did anything inappropriate to him or with him. Now, nearly four years after Michael has passed, this sad and less-than-credible claim has been made."

Watching the "Today" show interview can persuade a viewer to believe Wade's claims.  But after watching the video below the interview makes me officially torn.  Robson seems so adamant in defending Jackson on his Late Night interview that he actually causes a small fight with host Jimmy Kimmel. What's with the convincing flip flop?

Do you believe Wade Robston or is he just cashing in?

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