Texas Mom Posts Craigslist Adoption For Her 3-Year Old; Currently Pregnant Houston Mother "Off Her Meds" VIDEO]

A Texan mom placed an ad on Craigslist offering to give her three-year-old up for adoption when she was apparently off her meds.

Stephanie Christine Redus, 29, from Houston, wrote on Craigslist:

"Hi. I'm trying to adopt out my 3yr old son. I'm not in a good place in my life and don't feel like I can care for him properly but I don't know where to start. If you or know anyone who is interested in caring for him please let me know. I'm a single mom and can't do this. Thanks, Desperate."

Craigslist was served a grand jury subpoena ordering the release of the person's profile responsible for the posting, which was matched to Stephanie Redus.

Redus claims only one person actually answered the ad and asked if they had any other children and if she could see pictures of their home. Redus later came clean and admitted to police that she replied to several people about taking her child.

Stephanie was charged with advertising for placement of a child and sadly is currently pregnant with her second child.  The mother claims that her new pregnancy is the reason she can't take her medications for severe depression and anxiety.

Redus's three-year-old son has since been placed in the care of his father as police investigate the situation.

Police stated: "During a recorded interview on May 9, Redus admitted to placing the ad, but said she never intended to give up her child. The mom said she only spoke to one person, and asked if they had any additional children and requested to see pictures of their home, according to court documents ... Redus was feeling guilty after making her initial statement and returned to the police department on May 13 in order to clear the air."

Redus's neighbors, Peg and John Kirby, called the incident shocking, after witnessing the boy frequently playing and swimming in the family's yard. John Kirby called the mother's actions "stupid." His wife Peg said she believes "the mother needed to reevaluate her priorities."

"I've never had a son, but I can't imagine any child not being worth trying to keep. ... Blessings from God are always a privilege, not to be put on Craigslist," she said. "Honey, I think you need to talk to the Lord before making a decision like that."

Strangely, Stephanie's Facebook quote is "The best things in life aren't things: Family", and "I love my family." 


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