Jodi Arias Jurors Tear Up As Victim’s Family Describes the Effect of the Murder; `Invaded My Dreams’

Jodi Arias jurors were moved to tears as Travis Alexander’s family described how their lives were devastated by murder.

During the Arias trial’s ongoing final penalty phase, which will be decided by the same jury that convicted Jodi Arias of murder after 15 hours of deliberations, jurors were moved to tears.

Steven Alexander told jurors, “The nature of my brother’s murder has had a major impact on me. It’s even invaded my dreams. I’ve had nightmares about somebody coming after me with a knife, then going after my wife and my daughter.”

Travis Alexander’s brother described how he lost sleep, got separated from his was and was hospitalized for ulcers in the weeks following his brother’s death. Choking back tears, he described the phone call he got from his sister when Travis’ body was found. He said, “She told me, ‘Steven, Travis is dead. I thought I was dreaming.” Steven Alexander remembered that his brother had survived car crashes and a motorcycle accident and seemed to him to be “bulletproof.”

Steven Alexander told the panel, “I don’t want these nightmares anymore. I don’t want to see my brother’s murderer anymore.”

Arias looked away from jurors during the testimony and periodically cried.

Prosecutor Juan Martinez told the jury that there were no factors that should cause them to consider any sentence but death in his opening statements. The judge instructed the jurors that they could take other factors into consideration in making their decision. He pointed out that Arias had no prior record, that she came from an abusive background and that she is a talented artist. Jurors also heard testimony from people who knew Jodi Arias and considered her a good friend.

Martinez said that none of that was significant when it came to the brutal killing. He said “There are no mitigating factors in this case. The only appropriate sentence is death.”

Kirk Nurmi, the defense attorney, opened his statements by reminding the jurors that their decision would be the final decision. He told the panel “Your verdict, ladies and gentleman, will determine whether or not Jodi Arias spends the rest of her life in prison or if she is sentenced to be executed.” Nurmi said each juror would have to make their own “moral assessment on what verdict is correct.”

After telling the jury that they would be hearing from Arias directly, he said “When you understand who Ms. Arias is, you will understand that life is the appropriate sentence.”

Through tears, Alexander’s sister, Samantha, told the jury about her brother’s sense of humor, charisma and had a “huge smile.” She described how their grandmother had raised Travis and that the killing affected her heatlh and that her grandmother died during the selection of the jury. Samantha Alexander said “Travis was the glue in our family. Travis was our strength, our beacon of hope, our motivation. Our lives will never be the same. We would give anything to have him back.”

by Tony Sokol

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