Lindsay Lohan Gains Five Pounds After Being Cut Off of Adderall At Betty Ford Center

Lindsay Lohan gains five pounds at the Betty Ford Center after being cut off from the popular Attention Deficit Disorder drug, Adderall, even though Lindsay Lohan claims that she needs Adderall for her ADHD.

"I have severe ADD," Lohan told Piers Morgan before checking into rehab. "I can't stand still. So I take Adderall for that, it calms me. I know people who take it to stay up, or girls who take it to supposedly stay slim because it kills your appetite. But I eat all the time. I just take it to stay calm. It works well for me."

Like any prescription dru,g Adderall can become an addiction if taken too frequently and not for the proper reasons. A side-effect of Adderall is also weight loss.

Without one of her current comfort drug, Lohan, like most ladies have done in the past, has started to eat her feelings. While this tactic can be therapeutic at times, eating your emotions can also lead to many other health issues, which Lohan is taking the proper steps toward.

Lohan is "extremely emotional this past week and is finding comfort in food," a source told Radar Online. "Lindsay can't stop eating, and has gained five pounds because she has such poor eating habits. She has been exercising, but she just doesn't have a lot of energy because she is no longer taking Adderall, which is a psychostimulant medication that contains amphetamine. She has been talking to a nutritionist at Betty Ford about eating healthier."

Lohan is currently serving a 90-day sentence at the Betty Ford Center after accepting a plea deal for a car accident last year. The deal includes 90 days in rehab, 30 days of community service and 18 months of psychotherapy. Lindsay Lohan is also back on probation for two years and have to pay restitution to the driver she hit last year.

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