LeAnn Rimes Feud With Brandi Glanville Reignites! Mother's Day Flowers Gift To Brandi Is Publicly Snubbed On Twitter [VIDEO]

The feud between LeAnn Rimes and Brandi Glanville doesn't seem to have a resolution in sight. As a peace offering LeAnn Rimes sent Brandi Glanville flowers on Mother's Day, only for the gift to be mocked on Twitter. Leanne, Brandi's children's stepmother was trying to be cordial but it seems Brandi is still holding a grudge for stealing her husband, Eddie Cibrian.

Brandi Glanvillle, star of "The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills," tweeted on Mother's day that she had thanked LeAnn via Twitter for the flowers, but couldn't help pass the opportunity to tell the world how much she loathes LeAnn.

Brandi tweets: 'I thanked @leannrimes on twitter4 my flowers.Our relationship is that we still dont even say hi at baseball.I dont have her number-thats it,' wrote the Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills' star.

When a follower of LeAnn asked her about the gift, the Grammy winner wrote that the tweet 'was actually the first acknowledgement of my gesture I was made aware of.'

'I didn't see anything else sent to me,' the Grammy-winner wrote. 'It wasn't for the "thank you." It was to just simply say Happy Mother's Day.'

LeAnn Rimes has a long and storied past with Brandi Glanville; since LeAnn married Brandi's ex, Eddie Cibrian, the two have been going at it in the press nonstop. Brandi was initially upset that Eddie cheated on her with LeAnn while the two of them were filming a movie together. 

Glanville speak openly about Leanne to the press and on her show "Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills." Brandi calls her children's stepmother all kinds of names and discusses how much she dislikes the singer. Brandi even wrote about Leanne in her book "Drinking and Tweeting," which Brandi does both in excess! The book was so well received there are rumors swirling about the book being made into a movie.

Here's an excerpt from her book:

 "When LeAnn set her sights on Eddie, she was relentless about getting him, and the damage her decision would cause never seemed to register. She won. I'll give her that. But she also won a marriage full of doubt, insecurities and a perpetual voice in her head saying, 'Is he telling the truth?' For that, I pity her."

Besides the twitter rant, Mothers Day for the two women was lovely. LeAnn and Eddie treated their mothers with a lunch in Malibu, California on Sunday, while Brandi spent her Mother's Day at lunch with her two boys.

Leann, who refers to herself as a "bonus mom" has openly discussed her difficulties being a stepmom. On Sunday afternoon she tweeted 'Don't allow anyone else (including Hallmark) to define how you feel about yourself today. #TwitterStepmoms.'

'It's not easy being a step-parent, taking on a mother or father role in your new blended family and household,' she wrote in a blog post.

"It's been really difficult," Rimes told the United Kingdom's Fabulous magazine in April. "You have to stand up for yourself and be your own person, but at the same time you have to protect these children and their hearts. And that's a very tough balance."

Brandi has responded with: "I don't think we'll be friends, but I hope we can coexist peacefully.  I think once she has a child of her own, I think she will understand boundaries and what's respectful to do and how to handle things a little better."

Let's hope these two ladies can get along for the sake of the innocent children.  They are getting to the age that they can see the hatred between their two mothers and it can't be positive for their wellbeing. Grow up girls!

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