The Dying Man's Blinks Case Will Be Appealed After Ricardo Woods Was Found Guilty For The Alleged Murder And Felonious Assault Of David Chandler In Cincinnati

The dying man's blinks case might reopen after a man was found guilty of murder and felonious assault Thursday. Defendants for Ricardo Woods plan to appeal the dying man's blink case because they said the blink is what has caused Woods to be guilty.  

In a video revealed to the court by police officers who interviewed David Chandler; the man who was allegedly shot by Woods in Cincinnati and forced him to be hospitalized until he died from the injuries two weeks later. It was the dying man's blinks that might have caused the jury to consider Woods guilty.

Chandler was shown a picture of Woods and asked to blink three times if he was the man who shot him. Since Chandler could not communicate verbally, the dying man's blinks signaled to police that Woods was the shooter. He blinked three times again when police asked him if he was sure that Woods was the right suspect.

Defense attorney Kory Jackson told the Associated Press Thursday that he expects the video will play a part in Woods' appeal.

"We have said since the beginning that the video should not have been allowed into evidence," Jackson said.

A jailhouse informant testified in the case that Woods told him he shot at Chandler because he caught him buying drugs from someone else while still owing Woods money for drugs. According to the AP, Chandler is considered a "snitch" to police and the defense said that Chandler was using Woods as a chance to lower the penalty against him for buying the drugs.

Jocelyn Chess, an assistant county prosecutor, said jurors made the right decision.

"They looked at all the evidence, and the evidence showed that Ricardo Woods was guilty," she said.

The sentencing for the 35-year-old Woods will take place on June 20. He could be sentenced to life in prison.

Jackson said that Chandler stole from other drug-dealers before and has done so plenty of times. The defense said that police only showed Chandler one picture and that drugs helped influence the mind-state of Chandler on the hospital bed. 

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