Steve Jobs’ Widow Laurene Powell Becomes a Philanthropist

Steve Jobs' widow, Laurene Powell Jobs, has stepped into the public light and earned recognition for her work in global philanthropy. In the two years since the death of Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple, Laurene has backed causes such as immigration reform, education, and nutrition.

"Her life was about her family and Steve, but she is now emerging as a potent force on the world stage, and this is only the beginning," Larry Brilliant, president of the Skoll Global Threats Fund, told the New York Times

Before the death of her husband in 2011, Laurene was known as extremely private and kept out of the public eye and rarely gave interviews. Recently she has been pushing an agenda, especially in regards to supporting the Dream Act, which gives citizenship to young people brought to the U.S. illegally.

Steve Jobs' widow told the Wall Street Journal she wants Congress to pass "common-sense immigration reform" for the country's 11 million undocumented immigrants. She has polled and lobbied for Congress and gave money to fund a documentary about undocumented youth in America.

Laurene, 49, inherited a fortune and is the ninth richest woman in the world. Her net worth is $11.5 billion.

Steve Jobs' widow must have learned some tactics in his approach to the public. When speaking about her immigration campaign, she controls her message by carefully instructing when she speaks and where, The Wall Street Journal reported.

Laurene grew up in New Jersey and is the daughter of a Marine pilot and teacher. She attended the Stanford Graduate School of Business, where she met Steve Jobs. They got married in 1991 and have three children.

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